Masterclass SAP Appgyver incl. latest features!

Unfortunately, this event already tookplace. What was the event about?

low code/no code platform

In this masterclass attendees explored the ins and outs of low code. We not only covered some theory. They actually were guided trough the platform and builded their own app, using the low code technology of AppGyver.

Low code/no code with sap appgyver, what’s in it for me?

AppGyver is a pioneer in no code development that SAP acquired last year. AppGyver enables you to easily build applications for Web and mobile use.
The popularity of Low code/no code is rising rapidly, and lots of enterprises are picking up on this movement. That’s why we are organizing a hands-on masterclass in which you will learn how to easily build your own application.

Some elements of this masterclass

  • Building a mobile and a web application
  • Explore Fiori theming
  • Using destination in Business Technology platform
  • Integration with an S/4HANA system via API Business hub
  • Integration with an CRM system.
  • Easily integrate into a Cloud 4 Customer system.
  • Deployment of an application to Business Technology platform.
  • How can you can organize your own hackathon on AppGyver!


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